Our Staff

Nancy Jenks

Office Manager
Clinical Manager for Oklahoma

Nancy joined Outreach Eye Care in 1992 as accounting manager. Over the last 28 years, Nancy has assumed a variety of roles that enhance the overall operation functions of the OEC support staff on a daily basis. Currently, Nancy has taken on the role of Clinical Manager for our Oklahoma providers, Dr.’s Enloe and Hill. Her responsibilities include managing the facility visit schedules by contacting social service directors and registering residents for eye care services.

With husband and founder Jerry they built a highly regarded company dedicated to exceptional optometric services to residents in health care facilities. Describes Nancy, “From the very beginning I have supported Jerry’s clear vision of what he wanted Outreach Eye Care to provide – clinical excellence and responsive customer service that exceeded our client facilities’ expectations. Every person we hire understands this commitment and supports our success.”

When not helping to manage Outreach Eye Care, Nancy enjoys participating in local church activities, attending Platte City Pirates sporting events and being “Mimi” for their five grandsons and one granddaughter.

Kelly Koeneke

Clinical Manager for Dr. Franke

Compassion for the challenges of older adults is an important aspect of Kelly’s work at Outreach Eye Care. Says Kelly, “I know what the impact is when older adults cannot see to their maximum potential. The clear link between cognition and good vision was so evident with my Mother. Although she passed in early 2019 from Alzheimer’s Disease, her quality of life was definitely sustained because of her new glasses that enabled her to see better.”

Keeping up with Kelly in her free time can be a challenge. Daughter, Emma Grace, plays competitive softball. Most weekends you’ll find Kelly and husband Michael cheering from the stands at ballparks.

Heidi White

Clinical Manager for Dr. Boucher

Since 2016 Heidi ‘s primary focus is managing Dr. Boucher’s monthly visits, collaborating with facility staff to assure residents’ access to vision. Describes Heidi, “One of the very first things Dr. Jenks shared with me is how much pressure facility social workers are under to obtain optometry services for their residents. I love that at Outreach we work as a team to support facility staff, enabling residents to receive eye health care – something that can substantially improve their quality of life.”

When not at work, Heidi and her husband enjoy traveling with their 3 children and their endeavors in softball and theatre.

Terry Fryrear

Optical Manager

A lifetime of service to others describes Terry’s professional and volunteer history. Following her retirement after 20 years with the Superintendent’s Office of the Platte City R-3 school system she joined Outreach Eye Care as Optical Manager. Among her responsibilities are supporting all the doctors, assuring the accurate entering of eyeglass orders, and then coordinating eyeglass fittings at client facilities. “I believe people should make a difference wherever they are. I feel especially fortunate to have the opportunity with Outreach Eye Care to continue to do so in my ‘retirement’.”

Not one to be idle, Terry enjoys scrapbooking, crafts, and is the fabric cutter for her church group of quilters. The quilts are donated to The Noyes Home for Children in St. Joseph, Missouri--enabling every child to take something with them when they leave.