Our COVID-19 Infection Control Protocol


Your residents, staff, and visitor safety is of the upmost importance to us. Our team follows these protocols when in your facility and in their offices, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & the American Optometric Association.

Instructions prior to and after patient care

  1. Make sure that staff are symptom free each day.

    • Use a non-contact thermometer available to assess temperature, as needed. (NOTE: Temperature alone does not assess or exclude disease.)

    • The CDC defines a fever as a temperature at or above 100.4°F.

    • Ask if they are coughing.

    • Ask if they have shortness of breath.

    • Ask if they have red eye or eyes (conjunctivitis can be a presenting sign of COVID-19).

    • If staff report or appear ill, recommend that they seek medical care from their primary care physician.

    • Advise staff to NOT simply travel to the emergency room if they are at risk for COVID-19.

  2. Clean all equipment with best available disinfectant (best is diluted bleach solution or alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol).

  3. Have staff thoroughly wash hands for at least 20 seconds when they arrive, before and after each patient, before eating and after using the bathroom.

  4. Instruct staff to wash hands in bathroom upon entering or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The CDC recommends the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers with greater than 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol as the preferred form of hand hygiene in health care settings, based upon greater access to hand sanitizer.

  5. Staff are instructed to use one phone and computer and maintain social distancing between themselves. Should they need to change phones or computers, we have them disinfect in between uses. 

During provision of patient care in private-practice offices

  1. We share via email and post on office website & social media guidance on coming to the office for care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Patients are instructed to not come to the office if they are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms.

    • We recommend to individuals who are concerned they have symptoms or came into contact with an individual who has COVID- 19 to contact their primary care physician via phone as a first step.

    • We instruct individuals that if they do develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 to get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include, but are NOT limited to:

      • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.

      • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest.

      • New confusion or inability to arouse.

      • Bluish lips or face.

  2. We post a notice on our office door advising patients not to enter if they are ill, were exposed to someone with the coronavirus, or have recently traveled to one of the affected countries.

  3. We assess if patient is ill, has been exposed to someone who is ill, or has traveled to one of the countries with active coronavirus as soon as they arrive. If they are at risk, we isolate them and call the local health department for instructions. We try to do this prior to patient’s arrival.

  4. We instruct patients to call ahead if they feel sick, have red eyes conjunctivitis) or have any concerns.

  5. We instruct patients to limit the number of people who accompany them to the visit.

  6. We offer to reschedule non-emergent patients 60 years and older, patients with co-morbidities or pre-existing conditions with decreased immunity.

    • We encourage our practitioners to set aside blocks of time (e.g., the first two office operating hours) for older/at risk patients to better protect their health and safety.

  7. We strive to limit points of entry into the office.

  8. We use a non-contact thermometer available to assess temperature, as needed. (NOTE: we recognize that temperature alone does not assess/exclude disease.)

    • The CDC defines a fever as a temperature at or above 100.4°F.

  9. We attempt to limit number of patients in waiting room.

    • We remove chairs/space out chairs (social distancing) if possible.

    • If sufficient room is not available, we ask patients to wait in car/outdoors until doctor is ready.

    • If the patient has a cell phone, we text patient to come in when ready. If not, ask staff to alert them to come into the office.

  10. We utilize Personal Protective Equipment, as available and in accordance with recommendations from the CDC.

  11. We maintain and practice social distancing as much as possible so as not to physically contact the patient outside of clinical necessity, including with regard to handshakes.

  12. We instruct patients to wash hands in bathroom upon entering for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Again, the CDC recommends the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers with greater than 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol as the preferred form of hand hygiene in health care settings, based upon greater access to hand sanitizer.

In clinic/exam rooms

  1. We clean exam room/patient rooms with the best disinfectant (see above) in between each patient (with gloves).

  2. We utilize as much disposable equipment as possible.

  3. We utilize a slit lamp "breath" shield/barrier (whether purchased or fashioned).

  4. We examine for conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis can be a presenting sign of COVID-19.

Further recommendations at offsite locations

  1. Doctors should wash hands as frequently as possible.

  2. Hands should be dried using disposable paper towels.

  3. High-touch areas (doorknobs, door handles, etc.) are frequently disinfected .

  4. Use of front-desk pens should be minimized. Disinfect pens after each use. As much as possible use verbal communication from a safe distance.

  5. Use disposable equipment as much as possible.

  6. Have a non-contact thermometer and disposable covers for any probe.

  7. Disinfect tonometer probe thoroughly following CDC guidelines. Bleach or hydrogen peroxide soak may be used. Probe should not be soaked over 5 minutes to prevent probe damage.

  8. Purchase multiple spray bottles with diluted bleach disinfectant.

  9. Create an emergency contact list of staff members to keep at home.

  10. Keep a daily log of patients, phone numbers, and emails on pen to paper. Have staff member take log home every night to prepare for need to close office due to exposure or if patients needs to be contacted about an exposure.

  11. Use remote care options for patients.

  12. Know local COVID-19 testing locations (hospital and drive-up). Have list printed to provide to patients in case they present with positive risk factors.

  13. Monitor CDC guidance as well as COVID-19 guidance from both state and local authorities.

  14. Check aoa.org/coronavirus for updates from the AOA.

  15. Consider pre-screening patients prior to their entry in your office regarding potential COVID-19 symptoms.